Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The new generation

Children are kinda interesting, especially when they feel unwatched:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Give me a sign

..or what about a whole lot of them? These are some of the most original, funny, weird or otherwise remarkable (to me) signs I saw during my England-Scotland-tour:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Just like in the musicals..

And since I've been so lazy and you all have been so patient and I just came back from my England/Scotland trip, here is the first mini-series, showing some of the musicians and other artists I came across:




Back with a(nother) new concept

I just noticed that my last post dated from January! Shame on me and dirt and small stones ;-)

So now I have a new plan that will probably be strict enough to make me stick to it but not so strict that I will crumble under the pressure of picking out suitable pictures each time:

I will post something new every week. Not every day as it used to be but not once per quarter either. The perfect day for it is Tuesday I think because then I have the morning off now and not a horrible lot to do in the afternoon either. And here is where you come in: by Sunday evening (my time) you can choose a theme for the week. Sometimes I might offer choices, mostly however, I will just leave it to your imagination.

So there you go, let your creative juices flow and I will come up with the matching photos