Tuesday, March 23, 2010


In the olden times, that was the place for the dagger. But things change...


  1. First time I learnt guys wear skirts was when i saw a pic of a bagpiper. This pattern reminds me of that.

    Is this a pic of a guy or a gal? And....is it not a bit inconvenient to put a dagger so low? Should it not be more handy....like somewhere along the waistline?


  2. Did nobody tell you that this is a kilt, not a skirt? ;)
    It is a guy, can't you see the hairy knee? :p
    And as far as the inconvenience is concerned - good question, maybe they would bend down as if scratching their leg or picking up something from the ground and whoosh...

  3. haha, that's interesting picture. people become smarter
